Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The weekend of Jeremiah's Birthday!

Jeremiah's birthday weekend was spent in Northern Washington at a competition! He had so much fun as well as all of us! There were 3 people there that we were celebrating birthdays for. Jeremiah, Akil and Deno. Jeremiah had long days for sure! Here he is going, going.................


He also got his first shiner this weekend! He was playing on the motor scooter that Aaron brought and he tripped and hit his eye on the part you put your feet. Poor little guy! It was a good one too!

It was a Hawaiian theme and the camp and person with the best set up and costume would win a prize......I bet you can't guess who won!
Yep, that would be my husband! He got so much attention and of course won the prize! It was a $50.00 gift card to some skate shop that I think is in Seattle somewhere! Way to go Hubby!
By the way, he made the coconut bra himself!! He cut the coconut in half and found a flower bra at the dollar store, cut out the middle & stapled it around the edge of the coconut! He is so creative!

Lance's Brother (above) and Mom got to come up from UT and watch Lance ride as well as spend Jeremiahs Birthday with us! It was so great to see them and spend time with them!

Someone gave the kids some chocolate cookies!
Future rider?

Beautiful sunset!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Lance in a bra thats great